Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Personal Journey Continues

Today is October 12, 2010. It is a beautiful day here in southern Illinois. I thought this would be a good day to open the windows and reflect on my journey over the last 11 months. I started looking for something to help me earn some extra cash online at the end of last year. I have found some good programs, some bad programs, some idiotic programs and some fantastic programs. If you look hard enough, you can find something which fits you and your personality.

With that said, I like to find programs you can join for free or for a very small investment. I like knowing what I am going to lose if the program fails. That is why you won't see me joining any money making program which has a monthly monetary commitment. I have been there and done that. All I had to show for it at the end was a big credit card bill. Lesson Learned. Let me point out here, there are some tools I use which have a monthly fee. These are not my businesses but can be promoted as an affiliate income opportunity. This is something totally different. I don't use these tools for the affiliate income but for the advantages they give me in promoting my business. I have learned that some online marketers make their career out of promoting the tools. Kudos to them and their ingenuity. I do occasionally get a referral to these programs, to me this is just a way to get the tool for free.

The sun has gone behind a cloud and you can feel the fall air. There is no place I would rather be right now. I feel the same about my online marketing career. I am situated in the perfect place with some great opportunities ahead of me. I am a happy online marketer. If you aren't, maybe we should talk and I can help you reach this wonderful place I have found out here in Internet land.

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